Sunday, April 6, 2008

Who In The Hell . . . Thinks that Writing a Blog is a Good Idea

Nickleback. That's what brought me to this point. While I've heard the stories of Chad Kroeger being named the ugliest person in music, that's not what amazes me about Nickleback, it's the fact that somehow millions of people have purchased their cd's.

So, it got me wondering . . .WHO IN THE HELL BUYS NICKLEBACK ALBUMS.

I mean, I like music and enjoy obscure indy rock bands and mainstream music, but I can't fathom that in this day where people buy singles and listen to internet radio, that millions of people have shelled out money to listen to freaking Nickleback.

Who in the hell are these people? I've never met one. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me where these Nickleback fans are and why they can't find a better use of their $11.99.

So, upon the realization that I don't know Who in the hell purchases these albums I began to think about other things that boggle my mind . . . I mean who in the hell decides that writing a blog is a good idea.

More to come.

1 comment:

ben said...

dude, since when does a cd cost only $11.99? even a nickleback cd is more than that!