Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Who In The Hell . . . Would Drive Behind This Guy?

So, I have to admit, today is the first day in my life that I've actually clicked on the "Nascar" tab on . I know, I know, NASCAR is the greatest thing on earth - I mean with all the speed and speed, oh and heroin on the track. I clicked on the tab because I wanted to confirm that heroin had spread from the great game of baseball (Josh Hamilton) to the oval/circle/square or whatever shape NASCAR tracks are.

This guy Fike admitted today to taking a little h-train on race day- you know it calms your nerves, makes you a better driver, etc. etc. Wow, what has our world come to, when guys who drive cars in one direction have to take drugs to better their performance (or at least help them forget that they only have 299 more miles to go in the same direction without being able to stop at a Cracker Barrel).

(image from

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